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Deodorant vs Antiperspirant: Which One is Best for You?

Deodorant vs Antiperspirant: Which One is Best for You?

by Stephanie Blanchard

I can’t remember the exact moment I realized deodorant and antiperspirant work differently, but I do know I had an epiphany when I learned the difference. Antiperspirants block sweat to fight body odor, while deodorants focus on protecting against B.O., not controlling sweat.

We often use the terms “antiperspirant” and “deodorant” interchangeably. It’s no surprise when people assume that they work the same way. It even happens in my own household.

Let's take a closer look at what sets antiperspirants and deodorants apart, and which one may be right for you.

How Does Antiperspirant Work?

Antiperspirants contain aluminum salts to reduce sweat. You may see aluminum zirconium, aluminum chloride, and aluminum chlorohydrate on product labels listed as "active ingredients." Aluminum salts block sweat by plugging the sweat ducts. So, when you apply antiperspirant, it's supposed to minimize wetness from the armpits.

Some antiperspirants advertise that they're effective against excess sweating (hyperhidrosis). But antiperspirants can fail. Our bodies respond to some products better than others. When I was using antiperspirant, there were a couple of products that just didn’t prevent sweat like I thought they would. You've experienced that, too, right?

Out of curiosity, I googled "why do antiperspirants fail?" One antiperspirant immunity theory in the Huffpost speculated that our bodies may sweat more to compensate for the blocked sweat ducts. The article mentioned that you could even go as far as getting surgery to treat hyperhidrosis.

In previous years, people living with the condition have undergone surgery to remove problem sweat glands. According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, most physicians no longer recommend the surgery because it can cause significant problems, including increased sweating from other places on their bodies.

What is Deodorant, and Is it Really Effective for Odor Protection?

To explain how deodorants work, I need to share a little something about sweat and bacteria that just might rock your world. Our bodies sweat to cool us down through evaporation. Despite what you may hear in a heated yoga class or read online, our bodies get rid of most toxins through the kidneys, not our sweat glands. But, our skin does rid our blood of minor impurities that, in high enough concentration, are toxic, like urea.

Sweat is generally odorless, but bacteria live on human skin and feed on our sweat. The reaction between bacteria and bodily fluids like sweat is what causes all-over body odor. That's right: That same process causes odor on your whole body; not just under your arms. Most deodorants mask or neutralize odor after it’s formed with strong fragrances. They can also inhibit bacteria.

Like with most personal care products, different brands work better for different people. If you're cool with freshening up throughout your day, you may have to apply deodorant periodically for best results.

Can a Deodorant Deliver Odor Protection As Well As an Antiperspirant?

In recent years, the deodorant market seems to have exploded, especially for natural brands. I remember back in 2013, I bought natural deodorant on Etsy because I couldn't find an effective option in my local stores. Now, you can find at least a couple of well rated natural deodorants at mass merchants.

At one time, it was a common belief that deodorants just couldn't prevent body odor as well as antiperspirants. The thought makes sense because deodorants don’t prevent sweat, so how could they be better at controlling odor? Let’s find out!

Baking Soda is Often Used in Deodorants

If you have sensitive skin like me, you may have developed itchy or painful rashes from deodorants that contain baking soda. So, what gives with baking soda? It all has to do with chemistry. Our skin is slightly acidic, acting as a barrier that helps keep harmful bacteria out. Remember, not all bacteria are bad.

Unlike our skin, baking soda is highly alkaline. Applying a deodorant containing baking soda can change your skin's pH level, which can cause irritation, such as contact dermatitis. But it gets worse! Changing your skin's pH can strip it of its protective acid mantle (often referred to as natural oils) that protect it from bacteria.

Will I Sweat Less with a Deodorant?

Some people find that after a couple of weeks of using an aluminum-free deodorant they actually sweat less (or at least it becomes less noticeable). Why? Possibly because, once your body gets rid of all the aluminum in the sweat ducts, it cools you down with less effort.

Lume Convinced Me to Try Deodorant

I came across an ad for Lume Deodorant one day and decided to give the aluminum free version a try. I was shocked that it was so effective! Since I've been blogging for the brand, I've learned that it works by stopping bacteria from feasting on sweat. Lume is hypoallergenic so it does that without irritating ingredients. It doesn't change the skin's healthy pH balance, either.

In addition to being aluminum free and baking soda free, Lume’s original formula does not contain propylene glycol, parabens, or dyes. Plus, it's not only an underarm deodorant. You can use Lume on feet, under breasts, on man parts and other stinky bits.

You can choose between several application types: Smooth Solid, Invisible Cream Stick, and Invisible Cream Tube. Lume comes in different fragrances, too. I love the Peony Rose scent. If you're sensitive to smells, then Unscented Lume is for you.

Choose a Deodorant or Antiperspirant? It’s a Matter of Personal Preference

There are more than 3500 Google searches a month for deodorant vs antiperspirant! That's a lot of people looking for help on whether to choose a deodorant or antiperspirant. One may work better for you than others.

Lume made its mark on the world with aluminum free Whole Body Deodorant, but now you have a choice if you are also interested in controlling sweat. Lume Smooth Solid Deodorant plus Sweat Control has the same outrageously effective odor control as our original deodorant, with the added benefit of being a maximum strength antiperspirant.

I highly recommend Lume as it is a skin safe deodorant whether you choose deodorant or sweat control. It has been clinically tested and proven to control odor for up to 72 hours! That's because the science behind it prevents the odor causing reaction from happening before it begins.

But please don't take my word for it. Check out what others have to say in their reviews. Lots of people have had odor fighting success with Lume.

Stephanie Blanchard


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