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One Color Summer - Surprising Benefits of Acidified Body Wash

One Color Summer - Surprising Benefits of Acidified Body Wash

by Sarah Thomas

When you launch a unique product like Lume Acidified Body Wash that is powered by Acidified Technology and clinically proven to control odor for 24 hours, you know it’s going to do well as soon as you can get it into people’s hands. As marketers, it's our job to convince consumers to give our product a chance, because we know they’ll love it once they try it.

But when a customer has such a positive experience with one of your products, and spreads the word all on their own, people really lean in to listen. And when that customer uses social media to share their wildly positive experience organically, it doesn’t take long for word to spread.

That’s exactly what happened when Kim discovered the many benefits of using Lume Deodorant and Acidified Body Wash, and then shared that with her TikTok world.

Kim had been using Lume Deodorant for about a year and loved the concept of Whole Body odor control. While perusing the Lume aisle at Target one day, Kim decided to check out our Acidified Body Wash. After using the body wash, she was instantly in love with how it cleaned and controlled odor - that was definitely a winner of a spontaneous purchase.

But what she found out at a waxing appointment was a real surprise, because it had nothing to do with odor control, but hyperpigmentation.

Kim’s technician asked her if she had been bleaching her skin. Nope, no bleaching. But the technician kept asking, because she saw a noticeable difference in Kim’s skin tone - she thought for sure Kim had been using a skin lightener.

“Girl, it’s all one color!”

So Kim gave it some thought. The only change she had made since her previous appointment was that she had been using Lume Acidified Body Wash that she had picked up at Target.

So after her wax, the technician told her to go look in the mirror. Kim’s response?

“I was shockededed!”

Inner thighs, underboobs, underarms, all one color.

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that it became very difficult to find Lume Acidified Body Wash on Target shelves that week! We are happy to say Target is restocked, and our website is well stocked - so if you are so inspired by Kim’s experience, we’ve got you! If you’re unsure which scent to commit to, we’ve got a 4 pack of minis with your name on them.

What might explain Kim's noticeable reduction in hyperpigmentation?

Well, Lume Deodorant and Acidified Body Wash are both powered by Lume’s Acidified Technology. Our acidified products are pH optimized to control odor, that’s our claim to fame and success. But might there be additional benefits to optimizing pH levels on our skin?

Kim's claims inspired us to have clinical testing conducted by Princeton Consumer Research and we were pleased to find out that our Aluminum Free Solid and Cream Deodorants, Acidified Cleansing Bar, and Acidified Body Wash were all proven to visually even skin tone and decrease the appearance of hyperpigmentation for 100% of participants after 8 weeks.

100%! It doesn't get any better than that!

You need this body wash in your life. And if you’ve always kind of leaned more toward using a bar, our Acidified Cleansing Bar offers all the same benefits as the Acidified Body Wash, but in a solid form. So you’re also using one less plastic container, and traveling with a carry on is a no brainer.

Read on for more organic customer experiences with hyperpigmentation and Lume Acidified Body Wash:

“Since I have been using the body wash I have noticed that my ‘age spots’ have started to actually leave! Not fade, but dry around the edges and peel off. Even the lady who does my facials has been amazed.” Ruth B

“I've been waiting for this! Got my body wash a week ago and they smell heavenly! Works fantastic with deodorant! I've noticed since I stopped using antiperspirant the dark spots under my armpits have become normal again. I'm assuming it was a chemical build up or reaction. At first I thought it was because I was diabetic but while my diabetes does that, in this case the spots cleared after a month of using Lume.” PB

Check out these testimonials from customers who experienced skin lightening benefits from using Lume Deodorant:

“It's seriously amazing and it actually freaking works. I haven't gotten a single armpit cyst since using this product and the darkness of my armpits has lightened which is the most wonderful added bonus.” Abigail H

“My underarms started to turn a dark brown, like I had gone tanning and only tanned my armpits! I was so frustrated from the discoloration but it was better than the rashes. FINALLY I discovered Lume!! Shortly after switching to Lume, my underarms went back to normal color, the rashes went away and stayed gone, and my pits don’t stink! What more could you ask for!?” Chanda L

“I suffered from dark armpits my whole life until I started using Lume. I never wore sleeveless tops because they always looked dirty even though I scrubbed and scrubbed. I didn’t realize it was a reaction between my skin and regular deodorants. It was so embarrassing. Lume cleared my dark skin and gave me confidence to wear cute tops during the summer.” Ami R

“For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with insecurity about my underarms and the excessive sweating and odor that came with it. I have tried countless brands, spending a significant amount of money, but none of them provided the desired results. I even resorted to using makeup to conceal the dark spots under my arms. However, when I first tried your product, I was pleasantly surprised. It didn’t cause any burning or itching sensations. As I continued to use it, I noticed a remarkable improvement in the darkness of my underarms. It has been a year now since I started using your products, and they have truly transformed my life.” Jenny L

Come to Lume for the outrageous Whole Body odor control, but stick around and you might just find you are benefitting in other ways as well!

Lume Whole Body Deodorant is clinically proven to control odor for 72 hours, and our Acidified Body Wash and Acidified Cleansing Bar are both clinically proven to control odor for 24 hours. And really, the most amazing part is that they are safe to use anywhere you have odor but wish you didn’t. Anywhere!

Did you Lume today?

Sarah Thomas


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