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Maintain Your Personal Hygiene while Traveling

Maintain Your Personal Hygiene while Traveling

by Ethan Aronson

No matter how far you travel from home, self care should always be on your mind, and good personal hygiene should be at the top of your list. Even if you’re a minimalist when it comes to packing or an “everything but the kitchen sink” kind of traveler, you should have the bare necessities with you at all times.

Next to that extra pair of underwear and deodorant you have in your carry-on is your toothbrush and a travel size tube of toothpaste. Why? Because in case of an extra long delay or (as Murphy’s law would have it) your main luggage gets lost in the airline abyss, you’ll at least be able to feel like you are presentable and somewhat “clean.”

When I first traveled to another country, it was on the other side of the world in China. And when I say travel, I mean travel. We spent the first two and a half weeks of our time in the country traveling to about a dozen locations all across the enormous landscape.

Before embarking on our travels, however, our coordinators sent a two to three-page list of all the things they thought we should pack to be comfortable in a new environment with new customs and practices. Travel hygiene tips were given to prepare us for strange bathroom layouts, eating establishments without safe water to drink, as well as ways to brush our teeth while on a road trip abroad.

However, one thing I wasn’t fully prepared for was the frequent loss of hot water while bathing, let alone the complete lack of running water in some places. So, we often had to choose between risking our already short shower turning to ice or skipping yet another opportunity to clean the stench from our road-weary bodies.

Now, I don’t mind skipping a shower now and again – it’s actually kind of freeing. However, when the stench from skipping a shower (or more) combines with the extreme humidity of some travel locales, the funky monkey of body odor takes hold.

The meager deodorant I had at the time could only hold up for a few hours in the ring with my travel B.O. Little did I know, on the other side of the world, Lume Deodorant was being born.

Another place on the planet where showers and stench didn’t go hand-in-hand for me was when I was traveling and living in Bangladesh - a country about the size of Wisconsin with roughly half the population of the United States. Talk about personal bubbles shrinking down to the size of… well, nothing. Not to mention, the heat and humidity only exacerbated the tendency to sweat and smell like a swamp.

If I would have had Lume Deodorant For Pits, Privates & Beyond then, it would have allowed me to travel throughout Bangladesh, enjoy the culture, and not worry about my own stinky bacteria.

I understand in many cultures body odor is viewed differently than would be typically viewed in the United States. Still, I don’t like to smell my stink – anywhere. So, for me, it’s not always “when in Rome….”

Thankfully, Lume Deodorant can be your traveling companion, anywhere you roam.

Speaking of Europe, even though my travel companions and I planned to spend some quality time traveling to many countries while there, we didn’t want to miss a thing. There is always so much to see and experience when traveling abroad. Having become a more experienced world traveler by this time, I was much better at skipping a shower now and again. This would prove helpful for our all day, to and from travel, from France to Italy and back, to purchase Christmas gifts we missed when we visited a few days earlier.

Nowadays, my travels keep me a little closer to home. Still, my commitment to having healthy hygiene habits is strong.

Whether it’s on a two day camping trip to a state park or a trip to the local grocery store, I still keep my toothbrush and toothpaste close at hand, and sometimes, even an extra pair of underwear… you never know.

The big difference now is that I don’t really need to bring any deodorant because I apply Lume after I shower, and one application lasts me up to three days most of the time! I can rest assured knowing Lume's got me covered and confident with its clinically-proven 72-hour odor protection.

When I want to stretch a shower out further and stay fresh, now I use Lume Deodorant Wipes. When I carry Lume Wipes, I know it's the closest I'll ever get to having a shower in my pocket, they're that good. No matter the adventure, whether it's a camping trip, traveling to remote places, or rushing to get to work from the gym or vice versa, Lume Wipes take care of B.O. anywhere with just a swipe of my hand.

Lume was developed with this purpose at its core: to help people feel confident by eliminating the barrier that body odor brings to everyone’s day to day travels – whether it be to the other side of the world for a business deal, on a crowded subway, or room to room gathering laundry, orchestrating toy cleanup, and keeping the kids from danger beyond the daily battles of childhood.

Thanks to Lume, we can travel confidently into tomorrow… and beyond.

Ethan Aronson


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