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Losing Weight is a Stinky Game

Losing Weight is a Stinky Game

by Sarah Thomas

Human beings are creatures of habit. When it comes to lifestyle and behaviors, we do what we are used to and what we are comfortable doing. Often we only resolve to change when that comfort is threatened.

Change is difficult to implement but even harder to maintain. How many times have you started a Monday with all the commitment you think is necessary, only to falter by Friday? How many of us have been excited about the prospect of a clean start in January and goals are forgotten by February?

Scot knows a thing or two about how much commitment it takes to make serious lifestyle changes. Statistically, most people who lose weight gain it back within a year or two. He has beaten those odds and maintained a weight loss of close to 160 pounds for more than twenty years!

What was the turning point for Scot? When he was 18 years old and weighed nearly 500 pounds, he had an embarrassing moment that made him realize he was no longer comfortable with his weight. In his words, “At that moment I decided, 'Okay, I’ve got to change my life, otherwise, I’m not going to be around.'”

So Scot hired a personal trainer and got to work. It took him about 18 months to lose the weight through exercise, and throughout the process he gained immeasurable confidence. Now, as a resident of fast paced New York City, he continues to make exercise a priority in spite of long workdays and a busy travel schedule.

Scot explains, “I really try hard to stay active and fit and motivate people along the way, but it is a daily struggle. There have been pitfalls along the just have to get back up and keep moving.” He has come to consider hours spent at the gym as a way to treat himself, rather than being a task to get out of the way.

Having an effective deodorant is important to Scot with all the sweaty hours at the gym and the long workdays. But out of the blue, Scot’s deodorants failed him, one after the other. He found it necessary to duck into bathrooms at work to reapply and worried when he was out for dinners whether his deodorant was still working.

The struggle to keep up with body odor was eroding his hard earned confidence.

Scot jokes, “New York has enough smells on its own, some good, some not so good. I don’t want to contribute to the nasty smells of New York.”

After seeing an ad for Lume Deodorant For Pits, Privates & Beyond, Scot was skeptical but thought he would give it a shot. He recalls, “The first day I tried it, I didn’t have to reapply. I thought it was beginner’s luck. But lo and behold, day five, week two, week four, it’s worked ever since.”

“I no longer have the shame and embarrassment of having to reapply’s liberating. It has completely boosted my self-confidence.” Scot continued, “I have a lot more confidence in presentations at work, and also when I hug people... I want to shout it from the rooftops, BUY LUME!”

Why does Lume work when other deodorants fail?

Lume’s powers might seem like magic, but there is actually a scientific explanation. Sweat on its own doesn’t smell bad, but when bacteria on the skin have a chance to consume bodily fluids, they create a stink. Lume prevents bacteria from feasting on bodily fluids, so it stops odor before it starts.

Lume is the first skin loving deodorant that you can use anywhere you have odor and wish you didn’t. That means you can use Lume to control stink in the pits, privates, feet, and folds. Lume does not contain baking soda and is gentle on the most sensitive skin.

Try Lume Deodorant Wipes for lasting, ultra convenient odor protection whenever you find yourself needing a quick refresher.

So whether you struggle with exercise, clutter, speaking kindly, or quitting smoking or drinking, long-term commitment to change is challenging. And that’s very human. Whatever goals you commit to, Lume is here to support you. You have to make the commitment to work hard, but at least we can help you smell great while you do it.

Give Lume a shot, and you might just find yourself shouting from the rooftops like Scot.

Sarah Thomas


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